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The weekly newsletter about who we are and how we learn through changes in our lives. 

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We all navigate change daily, from the need for flexibility in our daily schedules to making big life decisions. 


My vision for The Navigator sprung from my own processing of life change and the beautifully unravelling experience that life transition brings from one life stage to the next.


With a deeper desire for an adventurous life, I found myself choosing between two worlds moving from the US to New Zealand as a spritely young traveler, integrating new cultural differences, learning how to build community, and attempting to be generous and grow amidst internal change.


Some questions that have continued to fuel my desire for growth and curiosity are: 

  • What makes us open to changing ourselves?

  • How do we learn from others to gain wisdom?

  • Who gets to be apart of our internal changes?


Please join me as we navigate these questions (and your questions about life) together. 

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